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Norton Free Church of England

Primary School

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Arrangements from Tuesday 5th January 2020

Following the announcement by Mr Johnson tonight, school will be closed to children from tomorrow except for the children of Key Workers and Vulnerable children. If your child attended school during the last lockdown, they can attend as before. If you are unsure, please email Mrs Bell with evidence of Key worker status, we will let you know as soon as possible. If you are a key worker and your child is attending, please arrive at the normal time (start and finish times will remain the same for now) and go to your usual classroom. Staff will be there to meet you. 

Teacher led remote learning will commence on Thursday 7th Jan. On Tuesday and Wednesday 5th/6th Jan learning will be available on google classroom in the same way that homework is. Please bear with us while we prepare for the lockdown. Other activities can be found on the class pages although please give staff time to upload these.

If you require breakfast club and are registered, it will be open from 8am.

We will try to keep you as informed as possible. 

Mrs Bell
