Our School Mascot - Bobby
Meet Bobby
Bobby is our very friendly school dog who comes to school for a couple of days each week. He LOVES children and loves to play with children outside. Usually this means that he runs off with a ball and wants the children to chase him! If you are ever feeling upset, Bobby will cheer you up and give you a cuddle. Say hello to Bobby when you see him in school! Some children are invited to come and read to Bobby, so make sure you have a book in school that you can read to him!
Bobby and Bonnie
Winnie in Y3 asked lots of questions about Bobby. Here are the answers Winnie!
2. Is he house trained?
3. Is he fast or slow?
4. What is his favourite food?
5. What is his favourite toy?
6. How old is Bobby?
7. Does he wake you up in the morning?
8. When you tickle his tummy does his legs twitch?
Bobby likes water

As you know, Bobby arrived at Mrs Bell's house on Mother's Day 2020. Bobby is a black cockerpoo and he was born on the 25th January 2020. He arrived just before 'lockdown' and has loved being at home with all the family!
When we return to school, I hope that Bobby can come and say hello to all the children because he loves fuss and attention! You may have seen Bobby because he appeared on the teacher's video for children. You will be able to catch up on his adventures, here, on the school website. Some children have sent in pictures of Bobby so I will add them here!
Bobby has a new friend called Bonnie! He hasn't actually met her yet, but he will share this page with Bonnie and you can find out all about their adventures! Bonnie arrived at Mrs Lawton's house not too long ago and she is only a little bit younger than Bobby. I think they will be great friends.
Keep checking for updates on Bobby and Bonnie as we share what they have been getting up to. They both LOVE children.
Mrs B
Hello everyone,
First day in my new home
I’ve been wanting to write to tell you about Bonnie so here goes....
Bonnie was born on the 9th April 2020 so that makes her 11 weeks old today.
1 week old
There were three puppies in the litter, she has a brother and a sister.
It is so exciting watching Bonnie discover things in the world for the first time.
Bonnie sleeps well- her bed is in a crate to make sure that she is safe whilst we’re asleep because she is quite mischievous.
Bonnie is very inquisitive, funny and loves playing games. Her favourite game at the moment is finding treats hidden in small cardboard boxes or tubes. She also loves stealing shoes and chewing on the laces!
I love chewing Emily’s shoe lace
Today she decided to put her head under the running water tap in the garden.
I put my head under the cold water tap in the garden to cool me down.
Bonnie plays for a little while (often racing around at top speed!) and then needs to have a little nap.
It’s hard work being a puppy!
Bonnie just can’t wait to meet Bobby. Think there could be trouble when they’re together though!
Take care everyone.
Mrs Lawton
Bobby's latest photo July 2020
Describing Bonnie by Hannah.
Bobby in his harness by Theo Y3
Bobby by Mia Y3
Bobby by Hannah Whitaker
Bobby by Sonny Steele
Play date with Milo and straight in the water!
Bobby is going for a haircut...
Bobby and his brother and sisters
Bobby in the garden