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School Council

School council Autumn Term 2023! 


This half term the school council have met on 3 occasions to discuss projects that could enhance our school. The members from Y2-Y6 have worked collaboratively with pupils in their year group to act as the pupil voice. This week all members of the school council will be assisting in the interview process for a new prospective teacher. They have created questions to ask the applicants and will feedback their thoughts to Mrs Bell. 


It has been a pleasure to work with the children involved in School Council so far this year! 


Mr Neilson. 


Application forms have been given to each class and children have until Friday 15th September to return their forms to Mr Neilson. Two children will be selected from Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6. They will take part in weekly meetings with Mr Neilson to discuss and implement strategies to enhance Norton Free! 


The application form is attached below if anybody needs one. 
