Year 1
In Year One, the teachers are Mrs Sewell and Mrs Walker. Mrs Sewell works on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and Mrs Walker works on Thursdays.
Miss Wieteska is the teaching assistant and Mrs Hill is SEND support.
Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1
Knowledge Organiser Summer 2
Knowledge organiser Summer 1
World Book Day fun
World Book Day 2024
We had great fun with books today. We dressed up as our favourite characters, we shared our favourite books with the Y4 class, had a book quiz and made book marks. We also designed an environmentally friendly paper bag called Stanley (a character in the book we read, 'Who Swallowed Stanley').
Knowledge Organiser Spring 1
We had fun at cricket
We met some animals today!
KS1 nativity
Sports Hall Athletics
Knowledge Organiser Autumn 2 Claws, paws and Whiskers
We enjoyed our trip to the Church to learn about Christenings
Knowledge organiser Autumn 1
Knowledge organiser Summer 2
We have made the birds happy with our bird feeders
We tasted Hendersons Relish for our topic on Sheffield
We took our phonics work outside. We are learning the ew sound
Knowledge orgamiser On our doorstep, Sheffield
Guess who visited Year one today?
We loved the Animal Roadshow. Do you know the names of these animals?
We hope you like our Bonfire Art
We are going on some trips!
Knowledge Organiser Autumn 2 Claws, paws and whiskers
We imagined that we were looking through a spaceship port hole and we created this artwork.
We enjoyed being active in our phonics lesson
Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1 We Have Lift Off!
We're been trying to work out what happened in our playground on Monday. We think it might be a spaceship that has crash landed. What do you think has happened?
Knowledge Organiser Summer 2
Leon Baptiste visit
Y1 kept going and going...
We had a great time at the Network Games
We have been looking at ways to help us feel calm and ready to learn. Which one is your favourite?
Look at our amazing dinosaur art work
We have been investigating dinosaur poo to find out if the dinosaurs were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores
Trip to EIS. Please read the letter.
We enjoyed the science workshop. We learned the names of the main parts of a flower.
Junk robots
On Friday, 25th March we are going to be making a robot out of junk materials in Design and Technology. We will need small cardboard boxes, yogurt pots, kitchen roll holders, coloured plastic tops off milk containers etc.
Could you please send these into school with your child on Friday. Please only send in used items, do not send in buy anything new for this activity.
Thank you, Mrs Sewell