Year 3
Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser
Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser
Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Let's Rock
We have created a puppet show as part of our Science topic- Light and Dark
Pirate Day - We have had a brilliant morning learning about pirates and dressing up!!
The Knowledge Organiser - Autumn 1
Hello Parents and Carers,
The Y3 children have made an excellent start to the new school year. We have seen some promising results with the spellings and times table tests - so a huge thank you to all the parents who have guided their children with this. It really makes a huge impact on their learning.
Please look at the attached Knowledge Organiser (K.O). It outlines all the areas of our learning this half-term. The K.O. will give you some guidance on our curriculum. If you want to support your child with any foundation subjects then this document will guide you.
Many thanks
The Y3 Team - Mr French, Mrs Garrett, Mrs Cave and Mrs Young
Summer 2 - Frozen in Time
Summer 1 - Striking Vikings
Friends Of Norton Free - Easter Raffle
A Selection of Photos From Our Class Assembly
Our Egyptian Assembly 2024
Chinese New Year Celebration Menu
CRICKET CONFIRMATION - Wednesday 17th - 2pm till 3pm - Children in P.E kits please.
Cricket Skills - On Wednesday 17th January, Y3 children will be taking part in a cricket skills session. Please make sure they come to school in their P.E. kits.
Thank you - The Y3 Team
Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser Diggin' It
Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser Let's Rock
Year 3 have been making light boxes and creating plays using our knowledge of light and drama.
Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser
Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser - Frozen in Time
The Vikings in Year 3
Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser
World Book Day 2023. We had some fantastic outfits for World Book Day this year! Well done Year 3.
Here is the Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser for Walk Like an Egyptian. This half term we will be completing our Ancient Egypt topic and having lots of fun along the way!
Here is the Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser for Walk Like an Egyptian. This half term we will be completing our Ancient Egypt topic and having lots of fun along the way!
Dear Parents/Carers,
Here is Spring Term 1 Knowledge Organiser. In it, you will find all the topics that we will cover in Spring 1.
Please have a look at the document so you can support your children.
A Very Merry Christmas and Best wishes for 2023
From Mr French and Mrs Garrett
A massive 'Thank You' to all the children who come to Pond Cleaning Club. We are so happy that the children have decided to carry on in 2023. The Year 3 team will keep you up-to-date with our pond activities and maybe, in the Spring, we will have some newts and frogs!
Science - Light Puppet Theatre
In science, the children created a puppet theatre to demonstrate their knowledge about light. We invited Mrs Bell to our puppet show. Hope you like the photos.
The Y3 Team