Year 4
Incredible penguin sketches🐧
Christmas fun🎅🎄
We had a visit from Ben our local vicar in our R.E lesson this week. We listened so well & asked lots of questions😀
Jackson's fabulous work about the digestive system in science this week 24.9.24
Year 4 class prayers by Madeline and Alfie A.
Welcome to Year 4!
Our year 4 team includes Mrs Tomlinson (class teacher ) and Mrs Waite (teaching assistant). During year 4, the children work around cross-curricular topics, which change every half term. These themes link to English, Maths and Science where possible.
During this term the children will investigate volcanic eruptions and particularly study the impact of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on Pompeii.
Romans - The Empire Strikes! (Autumn 2)
Using the text Shackleton's Journey by William Grill as a focus, the children will write diary entries and letters. They will recall, select and organise historical information about Antarctic explorers – Shackleton, Scott and Amundsen and their expeditions to the South Pole.
This term we will use a range of historical information to learn all about the events leading up to the disastrous sinking of 'The Unsinkable Ship.'The children will plot Titanic's journey and carry out a debate into whether the disaster could have been avoided.
The children will learn about Anglo Saxon invasions and settlements in Britain. They will discover the tools and materials that the Anglo Saxons used when building villages. The children will investigate the historical evidence that remains from Anglo Saxon settlements, including place names and artwork.